{"Variable":"data_id","Description":"Numeric code of event ID","Values":"Numeric code"} {"Variable":"iso","Description":"A numeric code for each individual country","Values":"Numeric ISO codes"} {"Variable":"event_id_cnty","Description":"An unique individual identifier by number and country acronym (updated annually)","Values":"Numeric identifiers"} {"Variable":"event_id_no_cnty","Description":"A non-unique individual numeric identifier (updated annually)","Values":"Numeric identifiers"} {"Variable":"event_date","Description":"The day, month and year on which an event took place","Values":"Date in dd-mm-yyyy format"} {"Variable":"year","Description":"The year in which an event took place","Values":"Date in yyyy format"} {"Variable":"time_precision","Description":"A numeric code indicating the level of certainty of the date coded for the event","Values":"1 = Actual date; 2 = Specific week or weekend; 3 = Middle of week or weekend"} {"Variable":"event_type","Description":"The type of event","Values":"Battles; Violence against civilians; Protests; Riots; Strategic Developments; Explosions/Remote violence"} {"Variable":"sub_event_type","Description":"The type of sub-event","Values":"Armed clash; Government regains territory; Non-state actor overtakes territory; Sexual violence; Attack; Abduction/forced disappearance; Chemical weapon; Air/drone strike; Suicide bomb; Shelling/artillery/missile attack; Remote explosive/landmine/IED; Grenade; Peaceful protest; Protest with intervention; Excessive force against protestors; Violent demonstration; Mob violence; Agreement; Arrests; Change to group/activity; Disrupted weapons use; Headquarters or base established; Looting/property destruction; Non-violent transfer of territory; Other"} {"Variable":"actor1","Description":"The named actor involved in the event. Note: Actor 1 and Actor 2 do not imply directionality (e.g. attacker or defender)","Values":"Character string of actor name"} {"Variable":"assoc_actor_1","Description":"The named actor associated with or identifying actor1","Values":"Character string of associated actor name"} {"Variable":"inter1","Description":"A numeric code indicating the type of actor1","Values":"1 = State Forces; 2 = Rebel Groups; 3 = Political Militias; 4 = Identity Militias; 5 = Rioters; 6 = Protestors; 7 = Civilians; 8 = External/Other Forces"} {"Variable":"actor2","Description":"The named actor involved in the event. Note: Actor 1 and Actor 2 do not imply directionality (e.g. attacker or defender)","Values":"Character string of actor name"} {"Variable":"assoc_actor_2","Description":"The named actor associated with or identifying actor1","Values":"Character string of associated actor name"} {"Variable":"inter2","Description":"A numeric code indicating the type of actor1","Values":"1 = State Forces; 2 = Rebel Groups; 3 = Political Militias; 4 = Identity Militias; 5 = Rioters; 6 = Protestors; 7 = Civilians; 8 = External/Other Forces"} {"Variable":"interaction","Description":"A numeric code indicating the interaction between types of actor1 and actor2","Values":"10 = Sole Military Action; 11 = Military versus Military; 12 = Military versus Rebels; 13 = Military versus Political Militia; 14 = Military versus Communal Militia; 15 = Military versus Rioters; 16 = Military versus Protestors; 17 = Military versus Civilians; 18 = Military versus Other; 20 = Sole Rebel Action; 22 = Rebels versus Rebels; 23 = Rebels versus Political Militia; 24 = Rebels versus Communal Militia; 25 = Rebels versus Rioters; 26 = Rebels versus Protestors; 27 = Rebels versus Civilians; 28 = Rebels versus Other; 30 = Sole Political Militia Action ; 33 = Political Militia versus Political Militia; 34 = Political Militia versus Communal Militia; 35 = Political Militia versus Rioters; 36 = Political Militia versus Protestors; 37 = Political Militia versus Civilians; 38 = Political Militia versus Other; 40 = Sole Communal Militia Action ; 44 = Communal Militia versus Communal Militia; 45 = Communal Militia versus Rioters; 46 = Communal Militia versus Protestors; 47 = Communal Militia versus Civilians; 48 = Communal Militia versus Other; 50 = Sole Rioter Action; 55 = Rioters versus Rioters; 56 = Rioters versus Protestors; 57 = Rioters versus Civilians; 58 = Rioters versus Other; 60 = Sole Protestor Action; 66 = Protestors versus Protestors; 67 = Protestors versus Civilians; 68 = Protestors versus Other; 78 = Other Actor versus Civilians; 80 = Sole other Action"} {"Variable":"region","Description":"The region of the world where the event took place","Values":"Character string of region; see acledR::acled_regions"} {"Variable":"country","Description":"The country in which the event took place","Values":"Character string of country; see acledR::acled_countries"} {"Variable":"admin1","Description":"The largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place","Values":"Character string of ADMIN1 name"} {"Variable":"admin2","Description":"The second largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place","Values":"Character string of ADMIN2 name"} {"Variable":"admin3","Description":"The third largest sub-national administrative region in which the event took place","Values":"Character string of ADMIN3 name"} {"Variable":"location","Description":"The location in which the event took place","Values":"Character string of location"} {"Variable":"latitude","Description":"The latitude of the location","Values":"Coordinates"} {"Variable":"longitude","Description":"The longitude of the location","Values":"Coordinates"} {"Variable":"geo_precision","Description":"A numeric code indicating the level of certainty of the location coded for the event","Values":"1 = Particular town; 2 = Small part of regions/general area or near a town; 3 = Larger portion of region"} {"Variable":"source","Description":"The source of the event report","Values":"Character string of source name"} {"Variable":"source_scale","Description":"The scale (local, regional, national, international) of the source","Values":"Character string of source scale"} {"Variable":"notes","Description":"A short description of the event","Values":"Character string"} {"Variable":"fatalities","Description":"The number of reported fatalities which occurred during the event","Values":"Numeric value of fatalities"} {"Variable":"timestamp","Description":"Numeric code of time","Values":"Numeric code"} {"Variable":"iso3","Description":"A character code for each individual country","Values":"Character ISO 3 strings"}